Dmitry Yudin


New York, NY

Dmitry Yudin



My name is Dmitry Yudin, I am a Russian pianist, who moved to the US in Summer of 2019 to study at Manhattan School of Music. Studying and living here is very different from an experience that I had in Russia. And I am not saying about whether it is better or worse. I feel like being in New York allows me to have a much wider access to a different culture, different types of music, and also to many artistic people, which I love. Music making is something that I cannot imagine living without. It inspires me a lot, and I am never tired of digging deeper and deeper into the fascinating musical world (and life in general). Music making is something that I am definitely planning to do for my career, and also as my source of joy and excitement, feelings which music making provides at the full extent.


I was trained as a classical pianist, and although I admire many types of music (jazz is the first after classical I would say, and I started to really appreciate jazz when I started to live here), I am playing the classical repertoire of any kind - from Bach and Mozart, to Chopin and Liszt, Prokofiev and Ligeti - any kind of classical music.



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