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South American Music for Guitar


Anna Leone full profile / Classical Guitar / 1 musician

Other players: Anna Leone

Full program notes

This program focus on music from Argentina and Brazil, bringing a diverse repertoire that has influence from folk traditions to the classical music environment, while keeping the 20th century language. Composers such as Villa-Lobos and Piazzolla are well known for their modern approach in music, while Ramirez and Reis entice the audience with their South American lyrism in song tradition.


PIAZZOLLA, Astor - Invierno Porteño
GNATTALI, Radamés - Tocata em Ritmo de Samba No. 2
ASSAD, Sérgio - Arpoador

PEREIRA, Marco - O Choro da Juliana
KRIEGER, Edino - Ritmata
RAMIREZ, Ariel - Alfonsina y el Mar
VILLA-LOBOS, Heitor - Five Preludes

Historical context

This program brings the historical context of music of the 20th century in South America. It is a mix of popular traditions, such as songs and local rhythms, with modern composition language of classical music.

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