Untold: Denver's Next Massivemuse

Untold: Denver's Next Massivemuse

Curtis Park, Denver

Sat, September 29, 2018, at 7:00 PM, MDT
(Ticket sales closed Sep 29, 6:30 PM MDT)

185 of 250 tickets still available
Drinking policy
Don't bring your own drinks
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks for sale
Age limit
All guests must be 21
Toilet with a slash through it
No bathroom at this event
Wheelchair access
Wheelchair Accessible

This is a Groupmuse Massivemuse

Epic performances in unexpected spaces.


Groupmuse Superhost

Part of what makes the music we celebrate here at Groupmuse such a gift is it's wordless quality. Whatever language you speak and however big your vocabulary, this music is for all of us, transcending the boundaries of epoch and national borders. And its emotional impact is one you are shown, not told of -- its quite literally possessed of a untold power.

For our next Denver Massivemuse, we have partnered with local Congolese-American artist, story-teller, humanist, and renaissance man Brenton Weyi, who's curated an eye-opening evening based on this theme of Untold.

It will explore -- through music and theatrical performance -- the untold stories of historical figures who have impacted the human narrative: from classical music to national movements.

The first half of the program will highlight the work of Fanny Mendelssohn -- the brilliant sister of Felix Mendelssohn, who was the most celebrated composer of their generation. Fanny's star never got its chance to shine because, despite her musical genius, the world wasn't ready for a woman of her depth, scope, and capacity for creation. We'll explore her background and then experience her tremendous Piano Trio in D Minor.

The second half of the program will be a preview of Brenton's new and original unproduced musical My Country My Country * -- a meditation on the untold stories of the people at the core of the struggle for Congolese independence -- a struggle that has produced, among so much else, Colorado's largest refugee population.

Lastly, to honor the community-building ethos of Groupmuse, Brenton will incorporate a few facilitated activities with the help of Danny Mazur of Denver's well-known Soul Stories to help the audience explore the power of the untold story and to connect with new people through this experience.

It's all going down in the GLORIOUS Ballroom of The Savoy at Curtis Park. There will be a bar, and the evening will be Bring-Your-Own-Floor-Blanket or Seat-Cushion because it's Groupmuse and we LOVE getting cozy on the floor.

Doors are at 7pm and tickets are $20!

Can't wait to see you there!

* In Brenton's own words:
My Country, My Country is a multi-genre musical that follows two central characters:

· Patrice Lumumba of Congo: the wickedly smart, amazingly complex, first freely elected prime minister who was assassinated 6 months after being elected during Congolese independence from Belgium (an assassination led by the West).

· King Baudouin of Belgium: "Le Roi Triste." the deeply principled, self-effacing king at age 20 who wanted nothing more than to not be king and make peace in Congo by earning the love of the people.

Both men, walked parallel paths of ambition to create a better future for Congo…and both were their own undoing.

What's the music?


Comment sections are only for participants.


Skylar E.
Ashley B.
Mark T.
Celeste G.
Lindsay M.
Lisa B.
Susan H.
Tracey B.
Elizabeth F.
Gregg A.
Sean M.
Sophia E.
Stephen J.
Ian M.
Zach T.
Troy H.
Isaac B.
Brian T.
Julie C.
Nora P.
Rebecca A.
Ayla A.
Matt M.
Natalie F.
Laura H.
Taylour M.
Birdie A.
Delia L.
Nana B.
Jesse B.
Jane G.
Frank B.
Greg C.
Jeff K.
Anna M.
Kevin M.
Elliott B.

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