Shodekeh Talifero

Voice (Breath Art, Vocal Percussion, Beatboxing)

Baltimore, MD

Shodekeh Talifero

Voice (Breath Art, Vocal Percussion, Beatboxing)


About Shodekeh
"You expect a beatboxer to be able to rock the microphone when backing an MC. You don't expect that same human polyrhythm machine to accent female singer/songwriters with such deft subtlety. Or to match wits with jazz musicians. Or to solo provide the music for university dance classes. Or to be the poster boy for the city's most adventurous experimental music festival. But that's exactly what local beatboxer Shodekeh does. From hip-hop to dance to being thrown into the music without a net high-wire act of High Zero 2007, Shodekeh not only takes it all in stride but adds a palpable energetic surge to just about any musical idea." - Bret McCabe.


Self created