Tyler St Clare

Antique simple-system wooden flutes and voice

Baltimore, MD

Tyler St Clare

Antique simple-system wooden flutes and voice


Tyler St. Clare is a cheerful multi-instrumentalist from Baltimore. He holds a degree in piano performance from St. Mary’s College of MD, where he studied with renowned pianist Brian Ganz. Tyler took up the wooden flute as a means of exploring his interest in traditional American folk music, and it has since become one of his primary passions. Tyler apprenticed in flute-building and restoration with master craftsman Rodger Young in Annapolis, MD, doing historical flute research as well as building flutes of his own design. He presently runs the Four Hour Day in Baltimore, where he teaches piano & flute, crafts instruments and promotes local artists & musicians. He and his wife Ruth are also proud parents to two wonderful kids, Abraham and Matilda.


I specialize in obscure and nearly-forgotten songs from various folk traditions, alongside lively Irish, Scottish and Quebecois dance music. I have also extensively researched early American Christmas music, and put on an annual concert with my early music ensemble Endris.



The Shepherd's Star

Hunt the Squirrel/Money in Both Pockets/Pea Straw