The Illumina Trio

Piano Trio - Violin, Cello, Piano


The Illumina Trio

Piano Trio - Violin, Cello, Piano


The Illumina Trio is a new Piano Trio to the Seattle area, having formed in late 2020 during the pandemic. I was looking to form a chamber ensemble with whom to perform serious classical recitals as well as be available for hire for weddings and other functions. It consists of myself, Adam Syed, cellist Danna Theilen and pianist Abigail Habegger.


In the short year we have been together so far, we have tackled the monumental Brahms B major trio. We are interested in promoting the visibility of female composers and have learned and performed the beautiful the G minor Trio of Clara Schumann. We have learned Hungarian and Slavonic Dances by Brahms and Dvorak, and we have also prepared a number of light/popular pieces, including numbers from the Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel. We are open to requests.


Trio in B, Brahms

Ave Maria, Schubert

Hungarian Dance, Brahms

Sound of Silence, Simon and Garfunkel