Brad Rau

Classical Guitar

Philadelphia, PA

Brad Rau

Classical Guitar


Brad Rau has been selected for the 2019 Best of Chester Springs Award in the Music Performers & Teachers category by the Chester Springs Award Program. Brad has been performing music for over 20 years all over Boston, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, as a classical guitarist, rock guitarist, and rock drummer. Brad received a scholarship to attend New England Conservatory (NEC) and received a Master’s degree in 2015 with academic honors. At NEC, he studied classical guitar under Eliot Fisk who was the last pupil of Andres Segovia. He continues to study with Grammy Award-winning guitarist Jason Vieaux the professor of guitar at Curtis and Cleveland Institute. Brad recently recorded a Studio Concert on WSHU with host Kate Remington and has been a featured performer twice on Live WRTI Performance Studio. Brad’s personal learning methods have enabled him to surpass his competition memorizing over 8 hours of the most difficult repertoire for the classical guitar.


Bach, Villa Lobos, Mozart, Chopin, Satie, South American, Spanish, Queen, 20th Century, Jazz.



Ensemble profiles

Past groupmuses (1)

  • Music on a Sunday

    Sunday, Oct 27, 2013 6:00 PM EDT

    • Neighborhood: Boston, Massachusetts
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event

    Happened over 11 years ago