Isabella Bignasca


New York, NY
4 Played at 4 groupmuses!

Isabella Bignasca



Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Isabella is completing a master’s degree at The Juilliard School, where she also completed her undergraduate studies. She has performed as part of Parlance Chamber Concerts, Heifetz on Tour, Shelter Island Friends of Music, the Florida Orchestra and the Auckland Philharmonia. Isabella has also played chamber music alongside renowned artists such as Itzhak Perlman and the Borromeo Quartet. Festival participations include the Perlman Music Program Chamber Music Workshop, Music Academy of the West, Kneisel Hall Chamber Music Festival, Aspen Music Festival and the Heifetz International Music Institute.
Isabella is passionate about using music as a means of connecting with others, especially through community engagement and putting together unique concerts in immersive spaces.


I play mostly classical music, but I love delving into all genres of music!


Past groupmuses (4)

  • Virtual Premiere

    The Rex Quartet Performs Brahms, Shostakovich and Beethoven

    Thursday, Jun 3, 2021 7:00 PM EDT

    • Neighborhood: New York
    • Composers: Brahms, Shostakovich, Beethoven
    • Instruments: String quartet
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $10+ at event

    Happened almost 4 years ago

  • Giving Thanks for Classical Music

    Friday, Nov 29, 2019 3:30 PM EST

    • Neighborhood: Morningside Heights
    • Composers: Mozart, Haydn, Martineau, Paganini, Bach
    • Instruments: Violin and Viola
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event

    Happened over 5 years ago

  • Live Classical Music at Tabla Rasa

    Saturday, Nov 23, 2019 1:30 PM EST

    • Neighborhood: Sunset Park
    • Composers: Mozart, Bach, Paganini, Martinu
    • Instruments: Violin viola duo
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event

    Happened over 5 years ago

  • Birthday Groupmuse!

    Saturday, Apr 27, 2019 7:30 PM EDT

    • Neighborhood: Bedford-Stuyvesant
    • Composers: Franz Schubert
    • Instruments: String Quartet
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event

    Happened almost 6 years ago