Michi Fuji


New York, NY

Michi Fuji



Michi Fuji was born in T􏰀oyota City, Aichi Japan.
􏰁started playing the violin at the age of 3.
After graduating from 􏰁ugiyamajogakuen 􏰁enior High 􏰁chool,
she attended Aichi Prefectural 􏰂niversity of Fine Arts and Music,
graduated with a Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts and Instrumental Music.
After graduation, Michi completed one additional year of
Post 􏰂ndergraduate 􏰁tudies at Aichi Prefectural 􏰂niversity of Fine Arts and Music
majoring in 􏰃iolin 􏰄research.
During this period of time, Michi became a member of the Aichi Chamber Orchestra.
In 2008, Michi moved to New York to continue her musical studies at the New 􏰁chool for Jazz and Contemporary Music where she studied with Junior Mance.
􏰂pon graduating from the New 􏰁chool for Jazz and Contemporary Music, Michi became a permanent member of the Junior Mance 􏰀 Trio


Fritz Kreisler
Sicilienne and Rigaudon
Schon Rosmarin
Melody from Orpheus ( Christopher W. Gluck)
Saint Saens
Le Cygne
Johannes Brahms
Ungarische Tanze V
Vittorio Monti



Porgy and Bess

Siciliano BWV 1031 J.S.Bach

Past groupmuses (2)

  • Spring and music!

    Sunday, Apr 14, 2019 5:00 PM EDT

    • Neighborhood: Residencial
    • Composers: Fritz Kreisler, Saint Saens, Brahms,
    • Instruments: violin and piano
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event

    Happened almost 6 years ago

  • Talk to all the strangers until there are none.

    Friday, Mar 1, 2019 7:00 PM EST

    • Neighborhood: East Village
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event

    Happened about 6 years ago