Odin Rathnam


New York, NY

Odin Rathnam



Since his critically acclaimed Lincoln Center debut in 1993, violinist Odin Rathnam has established an international career of remarkable versatility and depth. As an orchestral soloist, recitalist and chamber musician, he has recieved unanimous praise from audiences and critics for his "innate musicianship" , "brilliant technique" and "recalling the great violinists of past generations" In 2011, he was the recipient of the DES Cultural Prize in Copenhagen, and made his debut as conductor and soloist with the Randers Chamber Orchestra, in three performances of Piazzolla's and Vivaldi's Four Seasons.

Odin Rathnam's artistry, charisma and passion are credited by many for leading the outstanding artistic development of the Harrisburg Symphony, where he served as concertmaster with distinction for 21 years. In 1995, he also created the critically acclaimed chamber ensemble, Concertante, with whom he performed and recorded for 7 years.

Mr. Rathnam's commitment to the broader community's success and health have led to countless benefits for cancer research, Habitat for Humanity, Allied Arts , and other charities. Equally passionate about education and arts training, he has maintained a busy schedule of master classes and residencies , from Chicago to Copenhagen, Silkeborg , Lagos, New York, Michigan, Maryland, and more...Many of his students have gone on to become members of orchestras around the world, concertmasters, chamber musicians ,soloists, and teachers.

recent and upcoming engagements include performances of Tchaikovsky and Saint Saens Concerti with the Hershey Symphony, Brahms and Korngold Concerti with the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra/Ochanine, Mendelssohn Concerto with the Baltimore Chamber Orchestra/Thakar, Korngold Concerto with the Capital New Jersey Symphony/Spalding , as well as chamber music dates in Taos, Durango, and Scandinavia.


All standard chamber music and recital repertoire, including recital programs, and an emphasis on string quintets, sextets, duos and trios. Also familiar with most piano quartet and quintet literature.

Unaccompanied Bach programs
Violin duos featuring works by Spohr, Wieniawski, Prokofiev and Leclaire.
Programs featuring the "collaborative concerti " ( Brahms, Bruch, Mendelssohn- with piano).
Recital program featuring works by Stravinsky , Strauss, Mozart, plus show pieces.
Violin Duo with piano featuring works by Bach , Shostakovich and Moskowski.
Trio/Piano quartet featuring Beethoven Archduke and Dvorak E flat quartet, plus shorter works by Gliere, Handel /Halvorssen.

I can also work with hosts for personalized programs. Tell me YOUR ideas!
