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French Impressions


Katie Althen-Velázquez full profile / Flute and piano / 2 musicians

Other players: Santiago Lomelin

Full program notes

Poulenc: Sonata for Flute and Piano
Debussy: Syrinx for Solo Flute
Gaubert: Sur l'eau for Flute and Piano
Gaubert: Ballade for Flute and Piano
Faure: Sicilienne for Flute and Piano

Historical context

Our program of French works for flute and piano draws from the rich musical tradition of French Impressionism and the early 20th-century Parisian classical scene. These pieces trace their lineage back to composers like Claude Debussy, whose Syrinx for solo flute, written in 1913, helped establish a new tonal language that emphasized mood, color, and texture over strict form. Alongside Debussy, we’ll perform the Poulenc Sonata for Flute and Piano, written in 1957, which blends traditional forms with modern harmonic freedom, a hallmark of post-World War II French music.

Additionally, we’ll explore works by Philippe Gaubert, a prominent figure in both the flute and composition worlds, whose Sur l'eau and Ballade reflect the lyrical, atmospheric qualities that defined French music of the time. Finally, Gabriel Fauré's Sicilienne brings us back to the Romantic era of the late 19th century, where expressive melody and graceful charm were paramount. Together, these pieces offer a glimpse into the evolution of French music, where tradition and innovation continuously intertwine, creating a musical lineage that resonates to this day.

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