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Rule Breakers


Yannick Rafalimanana full profile / Cello/Piano / 2 musicians

Other players: Josh Halpern

Full program notes

"To study music, we must learn the rules. To create music, we must break them." - Nadia Boulanger

Josh Halpern and Yannick Rafalimanana return to Salon 58 for "Rule Breakers," a special program featuring works by three iconic women from music history: Nadia Boulanger, Rebecca Clarke, and Clara Schumann. All three rose to positions of global distinction as performers, composers, and teachers at a time when it was almost unheard of for women to participate in the music profession at all. We pair their music with works by men who benefited greatly from their influence, but ultimately overshadowed their female counterparts due to gender bias.


Nadia Boulanger - 3 pieces for cello and piano

Gabriel Fauré - selection of songs for voice and piano arranged for cello and piano

Frank Bridge - 4 pieces for cello and piano

Rebecca Clarke - Epilogue

Clara Schumann - 3 romances op. 22 for violin and piano arranged for cello and piano

Johannes Brahms - Sonata No.2 op. 99 for cello and piano

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