Mark-Hilliard Wilson
Mark-Hilliard Wilson full profile / solo guitar / 1 musician
Composers featured: Sylvias Leopold Weiss
Full program notes
Tonight’s program is an exploration of borders between things geographical, imagined and historical. Our first piece features the use of a capo, or capostrato, a device that stops the sound at various frets, thus altering the sound world of the guitar from the warm and mysterious open strings to a variety of higher sounding, even haunting sound worlds that feel very magical to me.
Magic serenade Bryan Johanson 1951
Thoor Ballylee Maria Linnemann 1947
Toccata Arpeggiata Johannes Heironymous Kapsberger c. 1580-1651
Prelude and Fugue in A minor Phillip Quackenbush 1936-2014
Minuet and Chaconne by Sylvius Leopold Weiss 1686-1750
Sus ojos September cerraron Carlos Gardel 1887- 1935
Milonga de Entrevaro Carlos Moscardini 1959
?Seras Verdad? Quique Sinesi 1960
A closed world of fine feelings and grand design Graeme Koehne 1956
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