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Les Maîtres du violon


Guts Baroque full profile / Baroque String Duo / 2 musicians

Composers featured: Leclair, Francoeur, Jacquet de la Guerre

Other players: Rebecca Shaw

Full program notes

Around the turn of the eighteenth century, Lully was dead, and the next generation of court musicians in Paris were starting to make their own marks on his legacy in French music.

The graceful dance suite of Lully’s time, so beloved by the late Louis XIV, was slowly being supplanted by the Italian sonata. Many French violinists and other musicians traveled to Italy to study with Corelli and other great masters, then returned to France, bringing with them Italian aesthetics and musical forms. As a result, the solo music written for violin gradually shifted towards the Corellian sonata, while still retaining the sublimely intricate and delicate ideas of the French Baroque.

Join us to hear more about the composer-performers of the time and revel in the music that came out of this transition, music whose grace, beauty, and expressive vocabulary assures it a very special place in the hearts of so many baroque string players. We’ll play sonatas by free-spirited early-adopter Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, unrightfully obscure François Francoeur (whose surname shows up in Sylvia’s family tree…), and the biggest name in this style, Jean-Marie Leclair.

François Francoeur: Sonate 2 in e from Sonates à violon seul, Livre I
Jean-Marie Leclair: Sonate 3 in Bb Major from Premier Livre de Sonates
Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre: Sonate 2 in D from Sonates pour le viollon

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