- 9 of 30 spots still available
- Bring your own drinks
- No bathroom at this event
Wheelchair access
- Not wheelchair accessible
This is a groupmuse
A live concert in a living room, backyard, or another intimate space. They're casual and friendly, hosted by community members.
You are invited to attend an evening of classical guitar music presented in a beautiful Victorian Parlor in San Francisco. Please BYOB. No red wine allowed. Only white wine, champagne, and clear beverages, please.
What's the music?
Granados- Spanish Dance no. 5
Scarlatti- Sonata K 380
Tansman-Trois Pieces
Coste-La Source du Lyson
Dowland-My Lady Hunsdon's Puffe
Tarrega-Capricho Arabe
Traditional Irish Reel-The Bucks of Oranmore
Barrios- Danza Paraguaya
Exact address sent to approved attendees via email.
This is a groupmuse
A live concert in a living room, backyard, or another intimate space. They're casual and friendly, hosted by community members.

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