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A Night Out at the Cathedral: The Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir at St. Thomas
Groupmuse Night Out

A Night Out at the Cathedral: The Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir at St. Thomas

Midtown, New York

Fri, April 28, 2017 7:30 PM, EDT

0 of 50 tickets available
Drinking policy
Don't bring your own drinks
Age limit
All guests must be 21
Toilet with a slash through it
No bathroom at this event
Wheelchair access
Wheelchair Accessible

This is a Groupmuse Night Out

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Groupmuse Superhost

Part of the reason why we started doing Groupmuse Nights Out (wherein we bring our community into the concert hall) was to show our folks the possibilities of classical music that can't fit in a living room.

So when the St. Thomas Church on 5th avenue came a-knocking, with a concert featuring The Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir backed by Hanne Kuhlmann on an organ the size of a Brooklyn Brownstone, we couldn't refuse. Good luck packing an experience of these proportions into that 3rd floor walk-up.

Featuring some music that's almost 500 years old, some music written today, and so much in between - Palestrina, Gade, Nieslen, Højsgaard and more - the soft power of these collective and delicate voices, backed by a mighty organ will elate and inspire.

The concert is taking place in the absolutely magnificent St. Thomas Church on 5th Avenue, and, while tickets at the door are $40 or more, we've got a very limited stack for $20, because it's Groupmuse, baby.

Spend your Friday night humbled by something huge but subtle, monumental but translucent.

Have a great Night Out.

Niels W Gade (1817-1890): Morning Hymn

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594): Missa Papae Marcelli
Kyrie / Gloria / Credo

Organ Interlude
Erik Højsgaard (b.1953): TRIO

Sanctus / Benedictus / Agnus Dei I & II


Morten Lauridsen (b.1943): Lux Aeterna for choir and organ
Introit /In te Domine / O nata lux / Veni sancte spiritus

Waldemar Åhlén (1894-1982): Psalm for Pentecost (Summer Psalm)

Carl Nielsen (1865-1931): Two Lyrical Evening Songs

Teach Me, Star of the Night (arr. Kim Nandfred 2015)

Lullaby (arr. John Højbye 1990)

Henry Balfour Gardiner (1897-1950): Evening Hymn for choir and organ

What's the music?

The Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir

Comments (1)

Comment sections are only for participants.


Katherine R.
Laura M.
Lillie M.
Oscar V.
Jay S.
Miri L.
Mike M.
Nathan H.
Lev D.
Robert P.
Luis V.
Isabella K.
Alex K.
Minji K.
Bill R.
Rohan A.
Abhimanyu R.
Rupa M.
Alexandra L.
Laura C.
Abbey M.
Leonid R.
Clara C.
Beverly J.
Margaret B.
Jennie P.
Cynthia L.
Michael A.