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Floormuse (formally: Grassmuse)

Floormuse (formally: Grassmuse)

Capitol Hill, Seattle

Sun, February 28, 2016, at 7:30 PM, PST

6 of 16 spots still available
Drinking policy
Bring your own drinks
Toilet with a slash through it
No bathroom at this event

This is a groupmuse

A live concert in a living room, backyard, or another intimate space. They're casual and friendly, hosted by community members.


-- EDIT --

Formally Grassmuse. Our grass died, and there appears to be a shortage of sod in Seattle, so it looks like normal seating for this groupmuse.

Sometimes when Seattle winters get too dreary, my roommate and I get sod and lay it down in the apartment. Grass beneath your toes every breakfast -- what more could you ask for?

We'll have normal seating, and a few adventurous souls us can hunker down into the grass tarp. If you plan to sit in the grass section, wear clothes that can get a bit dirty.

I'll have snacks. BYOB, and remember there's a suggested $10 donation for musicians. My doorbox doesn't work, so you'll have to call when you get here.

What's the music?

Coste - Rondeau de Concert
Mertz - Elegie
Johanson - La Folia Folio
Piazzolla - Invierno Porteno and Verano Porteno
Goss - Watts Chapel
Albeniz - Cadiz and Mallorca


Exact address sent to approved attendees via email.

Comments (3)

Comment sections are only for participants.


Robert J.
Nick W.
Ben H.
Molly K.
Chad B.