Seattle Signature Groupmuse: Sturm und Drang Cello, Voice and Piano
Downtown, Seattle
Tue, February 16, 2016, at 7:30 PM,
- 2 of 36 spots still available
- Bring your own drinks
- All guests must be 21
- No bathroom at this event
This is a groupmuse
A live concert in a living room, backyard, or another intimate space. They're casual and friendly, hosted by community members.
I am a Groumpuse volunteer and have hosted and attended many Groupmuses. I am super excited about this concert!
My place is at the bottle of Cap Hill across from Starbucks Reserve. Parking is scarce.
I will be providing snacks and feel free to BYOB.
What's the music?
Rachmaninov: Vocalise
Bizet: Habenera (Carmen)
Mendelssohn: Song Without Words
Faure: Apres un reve
Piazzolla: Oblivion
Puccini: O mio babbino caro
Puccini: Quando men vo
Catalani: La Wally Aria
Massenet: Elegie
Dvorak: Song to the Moon
Exact address sent to approved attendees via email.
This is a groupmuse
A live concert in a living room, backyard, or another intimate space. They're casual and friendly, hosted by community members.

Comments (3)
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