« Event details
  • COVID vaccination with booster required (honor system) to attend this groupmuse.
    Your final COVID vaccine dose must occur 14 or more days before this groupmuse, but you won't be required to show proof of vaccination at the event.
  • COVID testing not required to attend this groupmuse.
    Nobody at this groupmuse will be asked to show a recent negative COVID test.
  • Masks are not required at this groupmuse.
    Attendees can choose whether or not to wear a mask.
  • Social distancing is required at this groupmuse.
    We ask that you stay with your party for the duration of the groupmuse, and keep 6 feet of distance from anyone not in your party. We may pre-assign seating.
  • If you feel sick, stay home.
    Do not endanger others by showing up to a groupmuse sick or symptomatic.
  • Please wait to be checked-in by a greeter.
    Someone will review our safety policies with you and your party before you enter.
  • Your safety is ultimately your responsibility.
    You cannot hold event organizers liabile for your safety. We will gladly provide refunds if you decide not to attend. (And thank you for taking care of yourself!)

The COVID-19 protocols for this groupmuse apply to all performers/hosts as well as attendees.

Please confirm your adherance to these rules:

  • I am fully vaccinated and boosted.
    Or I will receive my final dose by Sun, Sep 1 — 14 days before this groupmuse occurs on Sun, Sep 15.
  • I qualify for and agree to the rules above. If I do not, I may be asked to leave, in which case I will leave quietly and respectfully.