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This is a Groupmuse Virtual Premiere
An online debut of exceptionally crafted pre-recorded content, coupled with musician + audience videochat.
The Autumn Salon and Sanlorenzoartevillage Films are very proud to present the world premiere of ROMA VERSO LA LUCE, a musical film directed by Alessandro Rossellini (nephew of renowned filmmaker Roberto Rossellini) which follows soprano Natalia Pavlova as she performs throughout the streets, crypts, churches and rooftops of Rome during the height of the pandemic.
An Italian-American collaboration featuring incredible musicians from around the world, including esteemed cellist Giovanni Sollima, this film is the culmination of the time and generosity of many artists, filmmakers, sound engineers and others who came together to help bring to fruition a dream born from the darkness of the pandemic—to emerge from this darkness to sing songs in the sacred sanctuaries of Rome's most beautiful sites, during a time when live music was all but silenced throughout the world.
Film format and concept:
This film takes the viewer on a journey of musical and spiritual ascension, beginning with the works of Renaissance and Baroque composers Monteverdi and Frescobaldi to Caccini and Merula, then moving into the present with contemporary compositions created in direct collaboration with Natalia— "Saint Francis Prayer" by American composer Eli Tamar, "Salve Dolce Vergine" by Iraida Yusupova, and "Voi sapete ch'io v'amo" (after Arcadelt) by Giovanna Sollima, who by great fortune was able to travel from Sicily to perform alongside Natalia the world premiere of a new adaptation of this work, arranged specifically for Natalia's voice.
What's the music?

1.Monteverdi "Si dolce è il tormento"
"So sweet is the torment that lies in my heart,
that I live happily from its cruel beauty...
in Heaven's beauty fierce pride may grow bold without pity
but always my faith will be a rock against that wave of pride....!!"
2 Frescobaldi "Se l'aura spira"
When the graceful breeze blows,The fresh rose laughs, And the shady hedge of emerald green, Has no fear of the summer heat.
Come delight in the dance,
Nature's fair maidens, flowers of beauty,
While the clear stream
Flows from the mountain to the sea.
Such sweet verses spread from bird to bird
Bringing the sappling to flower.
3.Caccini "Amarilli"
My lovely Amaryllis,
Don’t you know, O my heart's sweet desire,
That it is you whom I love?
Believe in my love; and if fear besets you,
Don’t doubt that it’s true.
Open my breast and see written on my heart:
Amaryllis, is my love
4.Monteverdi "Quel sguardo sdegnosetto"
The haughty glance, the glance ,that gleaming and threatening,
that poisonous dart,
And have torn myself apart,
wound me with your glance,
heal me with your laughter.
Arm yourselves, eyes,
with bitterest severity,
pour out on my heart
a shower of sparks:
but do not delay with your lips
to revive me when I am dead
5.Merula "Spiritual lullaby"
Now that it is time to sleep,
Sleep my darling and don't cry,
For a time will come when you need to cry.
So, my darling, my heart, fa la ninna na.
Close those delightful eyes
Like the other children do
Because swift, dark veils
Will soon hide the light of heaven.
So, my darling, my heart, fa la ninna na.
Take the milk from
My untouched breasts as cruel rulers will prepare for You sourness and bitterness.
So, my darling, my heart, fa la ninna na.
My love, have this breast,
As your morbid bed will take you to higher voices,
The soul and the father underneath the cross.
So, my darling, my heart, fa la ninna na.
Now rest this body so beautiful and endearing
And tender. Later, hard chains
Will give it horrible pains.
So, my darling, my heart, fa la ninna na.
These hands and feet
I look at with joy and happiness;
Alas, in different ways
Sharp nails will pierce them.
This gracious face, more rosy-red than roses,
Will take spitting and smacking
With torment and great suffering.
Ah, how your pain will despair
My heart when this head and this hair
Will feel the sharp thorns.
Ah, in this blissful bosom
Love is my delight.
To you, the scars of death will be brought
By false spears. Sleep, my son,
To relieve me, and we will see each other with
Joyful eyes in Paradise.
Now that my life is asleep,
From my heart joy erupts.
I touch and comfort you with pure spirit,
Quiet as heaven and earth.
Meanwhile, what else can I do but wait
With a bowed head
Until my baby sleeps.
6.Iraida Yusupova "Salve dolce vergine"
Oh, sweet Virgin,oh sweet Mother,
in You the whole earth rejoices
the choirs of angels.
Holy Temple of the Lord,
glory of virgins,
You are garden of Paradise,
sweet flower.
You are the highest throne,
You are most pure altar,
rejoice , full of grace,
of creation.
7.Eli Tamar. Saint Francis Prayer
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master, grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it's in dying that we are born to Eternal Life
8.Sollima "Voi sapete che v'amo"
You know that I love you, indeed I adore you,
But don't you already know that I die for you,
Because, if you should know,
Maby you would have some pity for me...
But if, by my luck,
You will take care of me,
You will see the burning fire,
Consuming me, step be step...
Alessandro Rossellini — Director
Natalia Pavlova / Vera Pavlova — Screenwriters
David Colantoni — Co-Producer / Executive Director
Autumn Salon / Christos Vayenas — Co-Producer
Inessa Gordè— Assistant Director
Arthuer Anayan — Editor / Colorist
Marco Zagarella — Field Recordist / Audio and Video Editor
Gennaro Balenzano — Supervisor / Postproduction Synchronization
Niccolò Casini — Operator
Gianluca Rotondi — Operator
Zeno Colantoni — Operator / Co-director of Photography
Simone Spampinato — Field Video Assistant / Studio Video Assistant
Domenico Ciavarella — Stagehand / Lighting Assistant
Modart Flavia Pinelo — Dresses Designed for Natalia Pavlova
This is a Groupmuse Virtual Premiere
An online debut of exceptionally crafted pre-recorded content, coupled with musician + audience videochat.

Comment sections are only for participants.