Ian Scarfe @iscarfe


San Francisco, CA
Youtube page
116 Played at 116 groupmuses!

Ian Scarfe @iscarfe



Hello! I am Ian. I've played over 100 Groupmuses! They are one of my favorite kinds of performances... mixing the casual atmosphere of a house party with the classical elegance of whatever piano repertoire is currently in my fingers.

My career as a performer takes me all over the place. I tour regularly across the U.S. and Europe, make guest teaching appearances all over, and enjoy musical performances in big fancy venues and smaller casual spaces. I play lots of solo piano music, but I am also a regular collaborator with duo partners, chamber music groups, and large ensembles as well.

A big part of my appeal to audiences is the way that I take time during programs to talk to the audience about the music. I'll share stories about the composers, their history and context, and offer little "listening guides" about the music we are hearing.

I am the director of the Trinity Alps Chamber Music Festival, and attended Willamette U and the SF Conservatory, if all that matters to you.


Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Gershwin, Barber, John Adams, Florence Price, Amy Beach, Schoenberg, Webern, Berg, Debussy, Ravel, Faure...


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