Philip D Allen @allenpd

Baritone - Voice

Albany, NY

Philip D Allen @allenpd

Baritone - Voice


I've sung and percussed from elementary school and through community college (SCCC) and conservatory (NEC). I love to collaborate and communicate great music to an excited audience. As a listener I'm always a fan of chamber music both old and new. Groupmuse-esque concerts/parties have always been my favorite from time in Boston and hosting myself here in NYC.


German Lieder, Folk Songs, Modern Arrangements, Solo transcriptions and anything fun!

Past groupmuses (1)

  • Evening of Song GroupMuse!!!

    Friday, Apr 17, 2015 7:30 PM EDT

    • Neighborhood: Upper Manhattan, New York
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event

    Happened almost 10 years ago